Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You too can be a Vault Dweller!


Which has inspired me to write more.

Only 3.91gigs of music on my iPOD. Pretty sure I should start pirating more songs for the good of the world. Probably rip all my Beatles CD's, wait. WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T I DONE THIS ALREADY? The Beatles are the smoothest cats in the world, even when John Lennon got shot, he was sooo chill when that happened, all in slow motion and shit, yellow submarines everywhere!

Guess this leads to what I'm downloading right now. The Fallout 3 soundtrack. 50's music will apparently be a big hit in the future, when we are all dead from Chinese nukes, or in 2012 when tornadoes kill us all. Fucking Youtube scaring the shit out me, planet X is gonna anal us without a condom. So, aids tornadoes.

Ps3 price cuts? "analyst's" say so. Analyst's have a reputation of almost always being wrong, but with Sony recording its second loss ever recently, I could see this happening, but with a loophole.
A smaller hard-drive, like re-introducing the 20 gig models. The ps3 no longer has the perk of being the cheapest blu-ray player on the market, so they need to move consoles another way, so any change is good. Unless, you know, it's bad change, which would be a smaller hard-drive.

I tried to download auto-tuner so I could sound like T-Pain, but then I remembered that I have some talent, as opposed to none. That, and It didn't work, bummer. Downloaded some sweet music recording program in the process called mixcraft 4, so as soon as I learn guitar, buisness will happen.

School is basically John Travolta, fat and a closet gay.


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