I decided not to get the iTouch. Futureshop was out of stock of the 16g model, and I had a epiphany. I don't need all those apps. I don't download music off the store because I'm a dirty pirate, you need a wireless internet router to access the internet, which would be when I'm home or at school. Guess what I have at home? A computer. Guess what I have at school? Many computers. I don't buy stocks, I don't need to check the weather, and the games are garbage.
So I chose the 120gb classic version, which contains all I need. Lots and lots of space(EPIC AWESOME TRANSITION COMING UP) . So much space in fact that I was able to back up all my important files and reformat to....

Back in school, and it's boring as fuck and pointless.
Gogo Windows 7. I can't wait until i get that on my 3 systems around this house. It's gonna be sweet!!