Monday, January 12, 2009

Well, I lied, as usual.

I decided not to get the iTouch. Futureshop was out of stock of the 16g model, and I had a epiphany. I don't need all those apps. I don't download music off the store because I'm a dirty pirate, you need a wireless internet router to access the internet, which would be when I'm home or at school. Guess what I have at home? A computer. Guess what I have at school? Many computers. I don't buy stocks, I don't need to check the weather, and the games are garbage.

So I chose the 120gb classic version, which contains all I need. Lots and lots of space(EPIC AWESOME TRANSITION COMING UP) . So much space in fact that I was able to back up all my important files and reformat to....

Windows 7. The latest operating system from microsoft to brush that big mistake known as Vista under the carpet, and by brush under the carpet, I mean dig a hole into the center of the earth and toss it into the fires of hell. Windows 7 has decreased boot time on my computer by a very large amount, and windows are much more faster to navigate. The layout is very Mac-like, Where you can pin your favourite programs to the task bar for easy opening, and already opened windows are tagged with those pins. Just don't open 7 windows, or the operating system will crash.

Back in school, and it's boring as fuck and pointless.

1 comment:

  1. Gogo Windows 7. I can't wait until i get that on my 3 systems around this house. It's gonna be sweet!!
