Max Bemis is my hero. A lyricaly awkward genius whose gone through many living hells. I guess I would be a idiot to say that I can relate to him, but his songs say otherwise, I'm justified with the claim. His songs speak to his fans, and his fans speak loud and clear with their love and praise right back. Max makes me think of the person I am now and the person I may or may not become, about the people around me who I can and can't trust, and my past and how I've portrayed myself to others.
There are many people I still talk about now from my past ( most of them to make fun of and ridicule because it's so god damn easy), and I dont think those people even think of me. Does that mean I wasted high school? Does that mean I officially achieved a sub conscious goal of erasing myself from the minds of others? Most likely. That's probably what i wanted, and it's probably a good thing. You know what wish I could do? Erase alot of those bastards from my mind. Just dig into the depths of my mind, and pick axe those cancerous memories and imprints off my nerves. Because, high school, for the first two or three years, was cancerous. It probably almost killed me, but It didn`t and that's swell. But its still surprising that It didn`t. It warped and twisted me, and made me the "emo" kid (noone was real enough to say I was depressed). It made me the kid that people would come up and tell me that they wouldn`t be surprised if I pulled a columbine. Hey guys, you weren't helping.
So a compelling reason I went through it all? I had to. That's all basically. and I found out something. Doing what you dont want to do, builds character. and I can say for sure, that I have a shit load more character and personality then those corrupt, self righteous, stereotypical, conformist, bastards.
So that's why children, that's why I hate everyone.
Fuck I'm too open
That's been on my chest for awhile, sorries!
Oh yeah, Max Bemis.
Fuck I'm too open
That's been on my chest for awhile, sorries!
Oh yeah, Max Bemis.
Fuck that was WAAAAAAY too serious. Winter does this to me, it's probably the worst season ever for many reasons, that I wont say why, because they are sad ='(
George Bush is having a party and were all fucked! Want to know why? Heres some of his fun new law bonanza!
• Make it harder for women to get federally funded reproductive health care
• Lessen protection of U.S. workers from exposure to toxic chemicals
• Make it more difficult to use employee medical leave
• Postpone regulations requiring cars and light trucks to be more fuel efficient by 2011
• Let the trucking industry lengthen truckers' work day from 10 to 14 hours
• Allow concealed firearms to be carried in national parks
• Ease regulations regarding dumping of mine debris from mountain top removal
• Lead-Poison the Southside of Chicago (take that Barack)
• Allow Factory Farms to evade the Clean Water Act simply by saying they don't pollute
• Exempt factory farms from reporting emissions of toxic gases
The article is here, and it's worth a read.
George Bush is having a party and were all fucked! Want to know why? Heres some of his fun new law bonanza!
• Make it harder for women to get federally funded reproductive health care
• Lessen protection of U.S. workers from exposure to toxic chemicals
• Make it more difficult to use employee medical leave
• Postpone regulations requiring cars and light trucks to be more fuel efficient by 2011
• Let the trucking industry lengthen truckers' work day from 10 to 14 hours
• Allow concealed firearms to be carried in national parks
• Ease regulations regarding dumping of mine debris from mountain top removal
• Lead-Poison the Southside of Chicago (take that Barack)
• Allow Factory Farms to evade the Clean Water Act simply by saying they don't pollute
• Exempt factory farms from reporting emissions of toxic gases
The article is here, and it's worth a read.
I swear alot in this blog. NEXT!

Little Big Planet has sold 1.3 million copies world wide, which is good for a new I.P (intelectual Property). From what I've played it offers tons of hours of sweet creative pick up and play gameplay that you really can'y get anywhere else. It's sad seeing this not be a epic success, but with the bad world of mouth it received from piss poor moderation ( I make a level with the name cheers, gets deleted because cheers was a tv show), it's kinda easy to see why it's boosting the ps3 into households less than it should.
I want a sackboy plushie. NEXT!

Dear Fallout 3: I'm sorry. Let me make sweet love to you.
I ignored you for too long. I thought at first you were boring. Post apocalyptic wasteland is so boring dudes! but then, I dug deeper. Bethesda created a wonderful world to explore, a complete history for a fictional world that immerses the player into Washington D.C sans Abe lincolns head, unless you do a quest, then you know, you find it. Bethesda does many things well. One of those things is the ability to make the player really feel that their choices matter, that you are shifting the world around you and your experience, with your play style. One of the best examples would be a quest involving a bomb. Town is built around a bomb. What can you do? Blow up bomb, or deactivate bomb. What happens if you blow up bomb? People die and you never see them again. You go the entire game without experiencing what you could have by saving that town, and you go live with the rich sheltered fat cats. That's epic.
3:16 AM
Funny video incoming. Good night.
Funny video incoming. Good night.
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