Monday, January 26, 2009

I've got soul.

I personally embarked on a journey to gain weight. This is really difficult for me to do.
Starting at my weight of 126 pounds about 2-3 months ago, something had to be done, and what had to be done, BLEW MY MIND. The secret is, to eat a shit load of food. I'm pretty sure I gained 2 pounds yesterday while high on glade air freshener, which was fucking AWESOME. I'm now 132, Large Oreo Shake of Doom anyone?

Can you really see Russia from your porch in Alaska?

Revisiting old music sure can be interesting, Cartel - Chroma is really a album anyone should give at least one good listen.

I need to watch trailer park boys.

I also need to beat Mirrors Edge.

I'm going to go do that, blog later when there's something on my mind.


  1. why would you want to gain weight?? that's insane. it's also not healthy for you. :(
    bad boy.
    very bad boy.

  2. But, i eat a shit load of food, yet i still don't manage to gain weight.
    Please help me Dr. Phil
    Anyways, i say that we both head over to Baskin Robbins to have the Large Oreo Shake of Doom.

  3. you guys can bring me too...but i guarantee, i'l get all the fat. :(

  4. Depending where that fat goes, it can be either a good or bad thing ;)
    A good step is to just eat a entire box of President choice cookies, and I'm so down for Oreo shakes.
