You know when a good person changes your life, and you see that same person burst into flames from a stray match that sets fire to the pool of oil they were bathing in? That doesn't relate to this. To me this person has changed for the worse, but no one would agree with me, and they don't have to. You don't read this, So I'll say this, I fucking hate what you've become, and I don't talk to you anymore, so it doesn't matter. Fuck change, Fuck time, and Fuck distance. Everyone still loves you, and good luck with that. You know what? I still think you are great, and the shit you do shouldn't bother me, but it does. See you some time bud. God I rewrote this 10 times, I don't even know my point anymore, LETS CONTINUE, SHALL WE? I have a feeling this will be fun., home to some of my favorite game journalists, has collapsed. This collapsing can also be called " new management". UGO has taken the horns of the online websites,,, and They've stopped their only last remaining print magazine, EGM: Electronic Gaming Monthly, so guess what that means? LAYOFFS! YAY LAYOFFS! I BATHE, EAT AND SLEEP IN THAT SHIT. So most of the editorial staff is gone, that leaves about 2 people and the interns. No more podcasts on my iPOD from the 1up team with all those interesting people gone, which makes me a very sad panda. FUCK RECESSIONS TOO! I SEE A PATTERN HERE!
How to sell a console with shitty sales? Sony knows how! Make
MORE of them! I'm pretty sure that's exactly how a Sony marketing meeting can be summarized.

Oh wait, I think I've found a new strategy. JAPANESE DRAGONS. Yeah, that will sell your shit.(
Probably will)
On the left, we have a relatively good idea, bundling a ps3 with octagons on its face (the games logo) with a hot ticket item, Resident Evil 5, no word on a North American release date, or if it will even come out here, but here's my guess:
Probably not.
On the right, we have the Yakuza bundle which comes with Yakuza 3. No it's not coming here, sorry to break the bad news to you, you're so devastated, I know.
So guess what people, whenever YOU BEND OVER TO SEE THE TOP OF YOUR PS3, you can be like, yo sick, I spent good money for these dragons.

Welcome the QUATTRO 6000D, say that with me. QUATTRO 6000 MOTHA FUCKINGD. this basically has more funding then our own Canadian army. yes, it's a sewing machine.
"4.5 x 7-inch Sharp HD LCD display and embedded runway lighting. Brother's "InnovEye" and "Up-Close Viewer" technology places a camera right next to the needle to give the user a birds-eye view on the LCD to allow perfect placement before stitching. Advanced embroidery features and built-in tutorials should certainly mitigate any mishaps, and should you get the urge to plug every flash drive you own into it, there are 3 USB ports." There are wars overseas, and people are putting funding into inserting a camera into grandmas sewing machine. IF YOU NEED THIS MUCH HELP TO SEW, MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE SEWING, EVER THINK THAT? Fall Out Boy article. Andy, the drummer is pissed about the band being misrepresented, but thats journalism for you. I figure there has to be truth in this article, because I do believe Pete is a douche, and that one of the major points I got from this article.
Apple's presentation at Macworld, was a failure. With all the delicious rumors, we get software, and a new laptop. Thanks apple, you got me to buy a Zune.
Just kidding. But with the lack of hardware announcements, it leaves me struggling with my music player purchase. itouch? It's nice, but do I really need it? Less space, but I can touch a screen, pretty bitching.
If you couldn't tell, I was very angry when I wrote this, and was also very early in the morning.
I think it went well.