TV in two days.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
yo. sick.
Sick shit.
Boxing day happened, I bought a TV online, and will be going to be at Best Buy tomorrow before work to see what hasn't been massacred in the first day rape. Can't wait to see if I can find any bodies in the gangster rap section, or at least a few bullet holes.
I need a pull up bar, and a new set of weights too. Wish best buy had a section for that, containing dumbbells with TVs attached.
Slow news week, curry makes you hyper.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
8 Bit music, Interactive music, Chrono trigger, and my thirst for fulfilling holidays
I've always had such fond love for 8-bit music. I can still remember the well produced tunes of Megaman during my young years playing my old NES (which had a longer life span then my 360), where my blowing skills were top notch! Anyways, point is, this music lasts through ages, and when you combine Jesus and video games, you get 8 Bit: Jesus.

Figures. This free online album is for those romantic geeky fireplace sex sessions, as you make hot love to "We Three Konami", " The Legend of Noel", and " Silent Knight Man". An enjoyable listen that might go really well with.......

Chrono Trigger first came out for the SNES in 1995. I can be proud to say that I will finally complete this game before 2009, or sometime soon after. Thirteen or so years to complete, not bad huh? I'm playing the recently released DS version with the fancy anime cut scenes and monster farming, and I couldn't care less about those features. The cutscenes are poorly implemented as they don't sync with the game at all, they show an event, and that event gets shown right after in the in game engine, which is pointless. It does give me more reason to love Dragon Ball Z artist Akira Toriyama, so I guess complaining is absurd. The second new feature, monster farming, just didn't catch my interest at all to drag me away from the main quest so I cant really spout my opinion on that yet. The DS version sports a new cleaner interface that makes it much more easier to access the many menus, and also a touch screen interface for battling, for all you douchebags that can't press a D-Pad.
STILL BORING. But I'm pretty sure things will change soon. With the upcoming load of movies, you can be sure that I will take full advantage of this Christmas's offer of great cinema.
and Christmas presents, can't wait for my new ipod, SO I CAN PUT 120 GIGS OF PORN ON!
actually, just music, My old 4gb Nano just doesn't do my music library justice.
Recommended Listening:
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Lazyness Kills Kittens
So Rolling Stone made a list of their top 50 albums of the year. Imagine music as a brick. Rolling Stone would not know music if that brick hit them in the face. Want proof?
3 | Lil Wayne: Tha Carter III - what?
12 | Guns n' Roses: Chinese Democracy - again, what?
7 | Coldplay: Viva la Vida or
Death and All His Friends - Should be nowhere near the top.
9 | Metallica: Death Magnetic - Washed up, Is anyone still playing this album? Noone.
46 | The Academy Is...: Fast Times at
Barrington High - A weak album from a band that started so good.
40 | Jonas Brothers: A Little Bit Longer - I FUCKING HATE THE INTERNET.
You can't trust a site that has made its progress from latching onto mainstream trends instead of starting them.
I've downloaded the recent Square brawler thats a tribute all of it's dudes that look like chicks, and I have to say I'm having a great time with the game, although I have no fucking clue what the hell is going on. There are these people with spiky hair, and they seem to be really aggravated with each other, and instead of talking out their differences, they just kick the shit out of one another in very dull and bleak environments, modeled much after the other console RPGS. Since the story is a delirious mess to me (which is how final fantasy is most of the time to me, Japanese or not), the only compelling reason to play through story mode is to level your chosen FF Main character such as Tidus or Cloud, gaining new abilities and accessing a greater amount of equipment of varying quality to make fighting easier, much like a typical RPG. It gives me a reason to finally play my PSP, and that's a Christmas miracle itself.
I have nothing else to rant about.
Oh yeah. Im fucking bored. Hopefully something crazy happens soon.
Recommended listening: "Waited Up Till It Was Light" - Johnny Foreigner
Friday, December 19, 2008
Today will be boring, so lets talk about yesterday, Fall Out Boy, Banjo.
Its was great. Basically sums it all up really nicely, hopefully my clan tryout was a good one, or else I will cry. I'm burning my only purple shirt because the colour now makes me very, very angry, and jizzing in your pants, is a pretty common occurrence in some peoples lives. Every minute.

I didn't get to purchase the actual physical copy of the disc yesterday, mostly because I'm a cheap bastard and I'd rather buy a blue sweater from HnM that barely counts as warm clothing.
After many listens, I've had all the time I needed to soak this catchy album into my eardrums.
The Chi town boys have yet again produced an album that I'm glad to figuratively add to my collection. A follow up to their their second major record release, " Infinity on High ", Fall Out Boy has yet again made great strives to mature their sound from their pop-punk Take This To Your Grave days to the pop soulful sounds that many new listeners know them as now.
Their first single "I Dont care" that received a lukewarm reaction from many of the bands fans, is part of a three part killer intro. Disloyal Order of Water Buffalos could be one of the greatest anthems Fall Out Boy has created, with its comments on the current music scene perfect boys/ with their perfect lives/ nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy. Really rings a bell with this avid music listener and the total surplus of non-original garbage you can find on a Myspace page. I dont care what you think/ aslong as its about me is the most memorable line from the song I don't care, a self indulgent tune that sticks with you. Negative or positive opinions of this band, you really are just helping keep them in the spotlight (mark hoppus in the music video, who would have thought?). She's my Winona, not exactly music chart single material, finishes off the intro with one of my favorite lines off the record, Life's just a pay stub on death/Only less diligent, but in my opinion, one of the weaker songs on the album. Not a bad song, just doesnt shine as much as the rest of the record, with spontaneously ending with a clapping segment to continue the chorus that I'm not really fond of.
Track number 4, their next single, Americas Suitehearts, will definitely be receiving love from much music, Mtv(if they still play music), and radio, just for the epic chorus, Let's hear it for America's sweethearts/But I must confess/I'm in love with my own sins really shows the amazing progress Patrick Stump has made with his voice and If he decides to go solo, I won't spite him for it.
The only problem i can really point out with this album, is the ordering of the songs. What a catch Donnie would make a perfect closing song. featuring guest performances from William Beckett, Travis McCoy, and mother fucking ELVIS COSTELLO but the problem is it's stuck in the middle of the album. West Coast Smoker, while a great song, does not do a suitable job of closing such a great album, at least not a good enough job as What a Catch would.
Fall Out Boy has given a great reason for fans wanting the early days of TTTYG to stop whining. Their sound right now totally bulldozes all their past efforts while still producing a foundation for them to grab on, as long as they aren't one genre elitists.
Reccomended Songs: 20 Dollar Nose Bleed, Disloyal Order of Water Buffalos, Tiffany Blews, America's SuiteHearts.

Done for now. I'll rant about home and how stupid Sony is some other day. Basement tomorrow, and I am HYPED. So hyped I might jizz in my pants. Oops, too late.
Recommended Listening: "You are My Sunshine" Copeland
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Press the Start Button.
I slightly still believe this, but I'm no Jesus so I think I can get away with this.
I see it as a way to prevent my brain from melting and succumbing to retardation, which many can argue that's already happened, but fuck them.
You know sleep? that thing? that we do? it's totally awesome. I could get used to it, If I didn't already have a life, but with this month I have off from college, what else is there to do other then lie in bed until 12pm thinking " I should really get out of bed right about now."
Having the chance to do my normal podcast listening round up, Its Wednesday, which means the episode of giant bomb i was too lazy to listen to the night before still exists for my listening pleasure, which I'm sure thankful for. Main discussion? The Spike VGA's, I managed to skim through the programming, but immediately stopped watching after jack black attempted to do a show tuned inspired retro video game performance. Im sure Jack black did a fine job with his hosting performance, but I hate, HATE, anything that's show tunes, especially when it has no musical accompaniment, but atleast he had a cane. that's what matters, right? right. I coulnt really look past all the advertising to see the basic point of the show, awarding people in the game industry for their efforts, because Gamestop, Mountain dew, and Stride really love video games. they really love video games. So go buy some sticks of gum and play halo while gulping down soft drinks, because that's HARDCORE, and people who play video games TOTTALY do that all the time. The show it self is getting better with every year, and I do understand with a two hour show dedicated to video games, which caters to a niche audience (there were no wii soccer moms watching this show, too busy doing yoga on their balance board), they had to earn their dollars, just wish it didn't interfere with the awards so much themselves. Downloadable game award sponsored by mountain dew? what? and please, don't bring out any more canned pieces of ass to tell us bad jokes, they don't need to be funny or interesting, they aren't famous because of their personalities, they are on stage to look pretty. Transformers 2 leading lady presenting game of the year, again, why? If she was accompanied by Megatron, THEN it would have made sense, but why not an actual person related in any way to games presenting?
My Skullcandies (headphones) broke, and I've been meaning to buy a new pair for awhile, which is what I did today. Some cheap 30$ iAudio, in-ear headphones. Not something I researched or anything, I just needed to block off noise from the world around me again, and I have to say, they are doing the job well. I'm not a expert, but you can be sure that these are headphones and they do indeed produce sound. Here's a rant, right there on the box, it says " for the new iPOD NANO", is there anyone out there going " hmmmm I wonder what headphones are compatible with my ipod nano?" I dont believe so, If that person is you, where the fuck have you been?
Listening to the new Fall Out Boy album "Folie a Deux" and I'll have my thoughts on It tomorrow, after I buy the physical Disc tomorrow when I go shopping with some friends. Just have to say, these guys get too much hate for being such a great band, and 20 dollar nose bleed is an amazing song, minus the last bit.
Roads are slippery. Where the fuck is that magic salt?
Well that was fun, I have stuff to say, who would have thought?
Recommended listening: Fall Out Boy "Folie A Deux", Hit The Lights "Skip School, Start Fights"